Tracking Earthquakes with Tableau!

I’ve been tasked by an Earthquake monitoring agency to help analyze and visualize global earthquake patterns. I’ve been handed a 30-day sample of data. I’ve outline my process for this project below.


Create a dashboard to analyze a 30 day sample of data from an Earthquake monitoring agency. The dashboard needs to have the following features according to stakeholders:

  • A map showing where Earthquakes took place, it must show their intensity in terms of magnitude.
  • Have a list of the top 10 largest earthquakes in terms of magnitude for easily isolation.
  • Have a breakdown of the percentage of earthquakes that occurred in each broad location.
  • Then have a look at the each of the countries within each broad location. This should show how many earthquakes took place, what the average magnitude was, and what the maximum magnitude was.
  • Finally, all visuals need to be controlled by a single date filter to observe the each of the visuals on a day by day basis.


I need to develop a Tableau dashboard to visualize earthquake data comprehensively so that my stakeholders will be able to quickly identify meaningful insights or trends related to this 30 day sample.


  1. Track Largest Earthquakes: Create a table to view the 10 largest earthquakes on a specific date or all-time for this 30-day sample.
  2. Geographical Distribution: Create world map to see the frequency of earthquake for a region as well as their magnitude.
  3. Broad Location Percentage: Observe the percentage of earthquakes categorized broadly - North America, South America, Central America, Asia, Oceania, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.
  4. Country-wise Frequency: Analyze the frequency of earthquakes within for the countries within each of the broad locations above, providing insights into regions prone to seismic activity.

Magnitude Analysis

  1. Average Magnitude: Understand the average magnitude of earthquakes for different countries on a given day or all all time.
  2. Maximum Magnitude: Identify the maximum magnitudes recorded for different countries on a given day or all time.


The created dashboard allows users to:

  1. Identify quick insights into earthquakes for a 30 day sample on a given day or for the duration of that 30 days.
  2. Have a quick look at seismic activity across the globe by zoning in on areas with high frequency and differentiate by magnitude with efficient use of color.
  3. Have access to a country level analysis for frequency, average magnitude, or maximum magnitude.

Example Analysis:

What are the most earthquake-prone regions during this time period and on July 25th, 2022.
  • All time: North America has the highest percentage of Earthquakes in this dataset at 53% followed by Central America at 20%.
  • July 25th, 2022: North America’s share of global earthquakes increased to 55%. On this day, Central America and Asia are very close with shares of 12% and 11% respectively.

If given more time I would:

  • Explore magnitude trends over time. At what point in this sample were magnitudes at their peak. This could help alert safety authorities to have high awareness during a certain period of the year.